Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday Nostalgia

I spent a small part of Saturday morning watching the Rugrats on DVD. Does anybody remember them? Knock-kneed, large-headed infants explore the world - and through some wonderful form of magic, they are able to share their pre-verbal musings with us. Sometimes I get nostalgic for childhood. And I think sometimes on Monday, we all get nostalgic for Saturday. Or Friday night. Or any day that isn't Monday.

In honor of Saturday morning cartoons, though, it's time for a commercial break: Remember these? I don't know if they're so much funny as they are 80's-ish, but 80's-ish can be pretty funny anyway. I think the main humor here is that these actually existed:

And now back to our show...

I loved pro wrestling as a kid. And now, as a grown-up kid, I realize the humor I missed as a child, watching grown men in spandex calling themselves "Bastion Booger" and "Battle Kat." Wrestling was my Saturday morning cartoon, though, and so let's watch some together in honor of Saturday.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this contest is a "loser must flee" match - the winner will be the contestant who makes his opponent ... run away! In the blue suit - "Baby Blue" -- and in the shiny black, "Felixus Maximus."

Have a reminiscent week!

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