Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Five (?) Senses

I un-learned something today. I'd thought it true since childhood, but once I did un-learn it, it was plainly obvious. Thanks to the interestingly-titled "Book of General Ignorance" I now have a different answer to a question which I thought quite settled.

Quick! How many senses are there? List them!

I'll wait...

Are you done?

OK. You probably got the same five I had. Apparantly, there's at least four more: sense of heat; sense of where your limbs are, even when your eyes are closed; sense of pain; sense of balance.

I'm sure the sense of taste is maybe the easiest to advertise for, and also provides some easy fodder for humor: strange names, strange menus, strange ideas, and even good ideas poorly executed are all sources of humor.

I would also wonder if emotions might be considered a tenth sense. If so, here's one company's idea of how one sense (taste), and help another sense...

Enjoy your day!


  1. Isn't the sense of heat somewhat the same as the sense of touch? I would think that the same 'sensors' would sense both things... same with pain maybe?

    Ah wait I remembered another... a sense of humor! ;)

  2. I wonder if memory can be considered a sense?

  3. By the way, any science-types reading that can respond to Kelly's question? It makes a lot of sense to me, but what do you think?
